What is the best place to plant ferns?

For outside ferns, we recommend to put them in the shadow or half-shadow. The ferns can cope with some sun, but preferably not during the whole day and without shade. Therefore planting them in the utmost south is not a good idea.

Which type of substrate is suitable for ferns?

Ferns thrive in all kinds of substrates, as long as excess water can drain away easily. Ferns cannot stand to have ‘wet feet’, but prefer a moist soil. Heavy clay can be made suitable for ferns by mixing it with some ordinary garden soil in the planting hole.

Is it possible to plant the ferns with the cardboard pot around?

Yes, this is certainly possible as the pot is biodegradable and contains no harmful substances. If you remove the pot from the fern, be careful not to damage the roots that grow through it.

Do ferns spread?

Most ferns do not proliferate, but some species spread through the garden with their underground rhizomes. In our plant descriptions you can find for which species this is the case.

How high do outside ferns grow?

It depends on the species: some do not grow taller than 30 cm (12 in), others can reach 2 metres (6,5 ft). More information can be found in our plant descriptions.

Are all ferns hardy?

Some species are evergreen and can withstand the frost, others are hardy to 6 to 7 degrees Celsius (43 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit). The latter survive best if you put them in a sheltered spot in the garden or cover them with a layer of leaves for protection.

Are there ferns that fit in ornamental pots?

Certainly, some species fit perfectly in an ornamental pot, also together with plants which combine well with ferns, such as hosta, heuchera and hellebore.